Friday, March 13, 2009


You think I would have been better about blogging since I had the whole week off???? Spring Break 2009 was exactly that- a break. A much needed, much appreciated break. We did go to Fredericksburg the first weekend and had a very nice little trip. The weather was warm and nice on Monday and Tuesday and we took advantage of long walks, playtime in the park and gardening. Wednesday- Friday (and I am guessing this weekend too) has been cold and rainy. We need the rain, so no complaints. Truthfully, I have not minded in the slightest. If it were nice and pretty outside I would have felt guilty about all the laziness I have been guilty of this week. Doodle and I have slept late, cuddled up under the blanket and listened to the rain, watched way too much TV, I have read 2 whole books (for pure entertainment) and I have done a tremendous amount of scrapbooking. Our days have been slow and lazy and we have both loved every minute. My amazingly sweet husband took today off to spend with us too. We all snuggled in bed this morning until 9:30, the boys and went and got haircuts, had a lovely lunch out and played a family tournament of Wii- I should not admit that I spanked them in bowling as that would be bragging, right? :)

As I look at my calendar for the next couple of months it is packed! Showers, B-days, weddings, shoots, tee-ball games, etc... I am not sure how I will get it all done! Hopefully this week of rest and realization will be enough to propel me through until the first week of May. Oh summer break how I love you!

Doodle will be 5 next month....gasp! I cannot believe it! Since January I have been asking what he wants to do for his theme? He has been very passive about it all which is so unusual for my little extrovert. He seems to be most excited that his birthday falls on a school day. I guess he knows he will be the "star" for the day and I think that is really all he is anticipating. I can't believe we are thinking this, but I think we might pass on the big birthday party this year. I have presented him with every option/theme I can think of and he seems totally not interested. Last night at dinner, he told us "how about we just have a little party with just my family." For now, that will be the plan. We don't find it necessary to go all out if he really has no interest. It feels strange and I feel guilty about this plan but 5 is such a different age than 1-4. He has his friends @ school, he knows what he wants and is too much of a boy to want all the fuss. MSW assures me he will be just fine without a huge party but I secretly have strategized how to pull one off in case he does change his mind last minute. No big party? What's next???? Not letting me kiss him when I drop him off for school. My little man!


R and R Stacy said...

OMgosh...Blaine was 6 when he told me he was too big for kisses when I dropped him off at school. Made me SAD!!
Our spring break is this week. We are headed to SA and Pearsall. I hope the weather is nice. The rain has not let up here for 3 days startright. I need to see sunshine very soon!
Sounds like you had a relaxing week! I can't wait to see pics.

natalienicole said...

our little caden is truly growing up, dee. i can 100% understand how you could be torn about this, as i don't think i exhaled as i was reading it and i must admit...i re-read it. but...he's at the age where he can tell you his wishes, desires, etc. he has 'a life' outside of the one you guys (amazing parents) provide for him and at some point, mom & dad's friends (and friend's kids) are not as cool as the ones you spend your school days with.
he's beginning to understand that his birthday is the day to celebrate HIM in HIS very own, special way!
i'm sure his day will be just as special - without all the fuss.
and i have a strong feeling that he'll be kissing you for a long while...just maybe not in public.
love to you, my friend!

Hope said...

maybe he'll want to go to the lake! Isn't that everyone's favorite place?

About Me

Live, Laugh & Love...that's my battle cry! I love this life I've been given & blessed to share it with my handsome hubby, MW, my sweet son, doodle bug, and beautiful sissy belle!